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Meet Dr. Carmella Morton, Executive Director, RISE Education Management, International School of Broward

Dr. Morton, Executive Director, RISE Education Management, International School of Broward (ISB) inspires ISB students to achieve their full potential. Our free public high school for grades 9-12 thrives under her leadership. 

With a PhD in Education Curriculum and Instruction, Dr. Morton has worked in education for more than 40 years as a teacher, administrator, and Executive for Educational Management Companies.  She has devoted more than 13 years to charter schools with her responsibility and expertise in start-up operations, curriculum development and business management. 

Let’s hear from Dr. Morton about why she loves her day-to-day with the students and families of ISB. 

When did you know you wanted to be an educator?

I knew I wanted to be an educator in undergraduate school while working as a teacher assistant in college. I realized it would be an excellent way to have an impact on the lives of students and provide a clear and direct path to future success.  

What are your favorite aspects of your role at ISB? 

My favorite aspects of my role at International School of Broward is the new image and design of the school and the academic programs we offer. I also enjoy working with the administration and faculty in planning and implementing opportunities for students to explore various languages and cultures.  

I enjoy preparing scientists for the 21st century by providing opportunities for students to learn, explore and compete in areas that will expand their focus on careers in STEM (Science Technology, Engineering and Math). I  continue to build on the strong reputation of the school as I strengthen the current programs and bring new programs to the institution. 


How does this school’s commitment to biliteracy align with your own personal core values re: education and personal growth?

The ability to communicate in various languages is a major asset for anyone.  I have always appreciated languages and learning about various cultures.  Providing our students with the ability to learn other languages and become proficient only gives them advantages as they build their knowledge and communication skills and critical thinking skills to solve real world issues. 

 About International School of Broward

International School of Broward is a dual language immersion school for grades 6-12.  We offer French immersion programming and our students can take Spanish and Mandarin foreign language classes, too. As a free public charter school, ISB provides advanced tech, drama, STEM, sports and clubs. Join the bilingual revolution! Join the International School of Broward. Enrolling today!